The Forgotten

The Forgotten

Are you a thrill seeker? Do you have family members who are thrill seekers? Enjoy a good scare and long to see what lays behind the next corner that just might make you jump?

The Forgotten is one place that you must add to your list of must see Halloween attractions before it is gone until next year.

This is absolutely my favourite time of the year and then bide my time waiting for it to return 365 more days. I long for the monthly build up to just one days events. Here I sit, watching the month come to a close and feeling a little disappointed as I did not get in as many events as I had hoped to. Sadly rl kept me busier then normal and my time within SL was drastically reduced.

I did get to visit one event. I did not go once but three times. I was determined to make it out and see all levels of what was being offered for my thrill seeking adventure through a sight provoking thriller.

The Forgotten was not disappointing (with the exception of the ride at the end which lagged badly for me and others that I was  with). From the fall into hell to being chased by zombies every corner left me waiting to see what laid before me.

As items jumped out at me, blood soaked my costumes, and things fell from the sky, I shared my excitement and surprise with others. The mazes left me disoriented and sometimes frustrated as I navigated my way into numerous dead ends; I did make it out though and survived the thrilling adventure.

You still have tonight to venture over and see if you too will survive.

The Forgotten is perfect for older children, if you have a younger child who lives to scare others perhaps this is one place they would enjoy as well.

In the end I give The Forgotten  10/10.

Your taxi to The Forgotten awaits.


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Dysphoria is located on Oxygen Island in Second Life

The most realistic Alice in Wonderland sim in SL!

Created to be viewed at night.

There are 3 levels. Don’t forget the key on the table or you won’t get through the door. Climb the table, get the key (wear group tag).

Tim Burton Inspired.

Filled with much excitement over the adventure that would be had visiting a Tim Burton inspired Alice in Wonderland sim, I went with a friend and plunged down that rabbit hole longing to see what awaited below.

The first landing spot held many floating items that when hovered over displayed prompts and directions like jumping on the bed.

The second spot was home to a large table to attempt climbing. Eat the cake and you sit on top of the table. Drink from the bottle and you will be pleasantly surprised. On the table you find a large key which gives directions on how to get through the door to see the remainder of the sim.

To move forward from this point, you require the group tag. Costing 200L to join, the owners let you know that this fee goes towards paying the land tier. (There is no prior warning of needing to pay for the group.) A small fee to pay to see the wonders that await you through that door.

Once in the main portion of the adventure, you wander about in various directions that lead you to several areas of amazement. From the large mushroom forest, Hatters tea party, Rabbits house and the Queens Castle, you are left trying to figure out what secrets are held in each location.

I was disappointed to learn about the fee to join the group to continue our adventure. I had no issue with paying the fee, a little warning prior would have been appreciated.

Overall I was very impressed with the beauty and attention to detail that the owners put into the sim. The added factor of using night settings left you wandering around not knowing when you would bump into a new sight or something interactive.

The fee surely paid for itself with seeing what was offered. I am sure we missed something along the way, as we ventured about. I heard rumblings of basements which we never found an entrance for. I did find a wall in the Queens Castle with something behind it but could not find the trigger to activate it.

I was disappointed to not find any characters from Alice in Wonderland strewn about the area. The gifts in Hatters house were an added bonus and completely unexpected.

I give Dysphoria 4/5

Age Group: 2 and up

Sim Maturity: G

To visit Dysphoria click here.