Closed Sims

I recently took some time to review the locations that I had previously wrote about. I do this at least once every two months to ensure that everything is up to date and that sims have not undergone major changes since my last visit. Sadly during this last round of visits, I had come upon closures and major changes.

Please note, that if the piece was wrote about a family event such as fairs and celebrations, it is to be expected that you no longer find these locations available.

I am sad to report that the following locations have closed, for unknown reasons:

Star Fish Beach

Violet Raine Estates Family Community

Land of the Giants House

Once Upon a Time

I have updated these posts to reflect their closure and I have removed any links that would take you to these locations.

The following sims have made changes:

Lightening Video – has recently added in gacha tables for patrons to rent and sell their extra items.

Prim River – has expanded to encompass two sims. I will be making another review to reflect this change.

Jasmine Cove – no longer holds Lil Big Me. Finch can be found on an adjoining sim and there is now a market area for those looking for a little space to sell their products to rent from.

Disney Character Wonderland – has completely changed from my last visit. I will be making another review to reflect these changes.

Belleview Estates – has changed the layout of the community, warranting a new review.

For now, I am off to work on these updates and some other suggestions I have received. If you have a special place that your family enjoys, please pass it a long so I can review it and share it with others.


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